Thursday, January 24, 2008

Societe Generale bank fraud costs $7 bn

  • France's central bank and government scrambled to shore up confidence in the banking system after Societe Generale, the country's second-biggest bank, had been the victim of a massive and "exceptional” fraud by a junior rogue trader resulting in losses of 4.9 billion euros (over $7 billion).
  • Anxious to rebuild its shattered capital, the bank announced an immediate capital increase of 5.5 billion euros, already underwritten by rival banks. SocGen, one of France's oldest banks and a world leader in free-wheeling modern financial derivatives, said the losses came to light at the weekend and blamed a backroom trader, who it said had tried to cover up bad bets on the stock market.
  • Bank sources named the trader as Jerome Kerviel, who is in his thirties and who joined the investment bank division in 2000, moving from the middle office which checked deals to the front office or trading desk in 2005. He earned less than 100,000 euros a year. "It was an extremely sophisticated fraud in the way it was concealed," said Societe Generale chairman Daniel Bouton, who offered to resign but has been asked to stay on.
  • Shares in the bank fell more than 6% to 74 euros.
  • If fraud is proved, the loss will be the biggest caused by a single trader, dwarfing the $1.4 billion loss by trader Nick Leeson that brought down British bank Barings in the 1990s.

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