Thursday, April 10, 2008

Chinese " Cultural genocide of the Tibetans",Dalai Lama

These may be the reasons behind Dalai Lama's statement of "Cultural genocide of the Tibetans"

  1. Settling members of the majority community in areas where the minorities are in a majority

China has systematically settled Hans from mainland China and the Hui Muslims from central China in Tibet in order to reduce ethnic Tibetans to a minority and dilute the majority status of Buddhism. It has similarly settled Hans in Xinjiang in order to reduce the Uighurs to a minority and dilute the impact of Islam.

2. Chinese government never allow an ethnic Tibetan to be headed in the local party and government set-up.

3.China ever held a single democratic election in Tibet, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia since the Communists captured power in 1949.

4. Beijing never allow a single dissident leader to interact with the media and foreign diplomats.

5.China never permit any humanitarian delegates to visist in minority provinces.

  • Will China allow the UN delegates to visit Tibet to inquire into allegations of cultural genocide in Tibet?

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